
This document how to install Groonga-HTTP on the following platforms:

We must install Groonga before installing Groonga-HTTP.

Groonga-HTTP provides by CPAN. The following install procedure is if we use Groonga-HTTP that provides in CAPN.

AlmaLinux 8

% sudo dnf install -y perl-App-cpanminus
% sudo dnf install -y gcc
% cpanm Groonga::HTTP

If we want to use Carton to install Groonga-HTTP, we install Groonga-HTTP in the following procedure.

At first, we write cpanfile sunch as the follow.

requires 'Groonga::HTTP'

Second, we execute the following commands

% sudo dnf install -y perl-App-cpanminus
% sudo dnf install -y gcc
% cpanm Carton
% carton install